How to Take Care of Your Air Conditioning Units: A Guide to Air Conditioning Repair

Summer is just around the corner, and it's time to prepare for the season's notorious heatwaves. Air conditioning units have become a vital part of your daily life. They keep you cool, comfortable, and productive during the sweltering summer months. However, like most appliances, they require regular maintenance and occasional repairs to function correctly. In this blog post, we will go over some of the most common air conditioning repair issues and how you can take care of your units. So, if you want to keep your cooling system running efficiently, keep reading!

Dirty filters 

Dirty filters are one of the most common problems in air conditioning units. They can lead to restricted airflow, which can hinder the unit's ability to cool the space effectively. So, how can you prevent this from happening? The best solution is to change your filters regularly, at least once every three months. If you live in a dusty area, you may need to change them even more frequently. 

Refrigerant leaks 

Low refrigerant levels can cause your air conditioner to blow out warm air, making it ineffective in cooling your space. Refrigerant leaks occur due to various reasons, such as age, wear and tear, or poor installation. If you suspect your unit is leaking refrigerant, you should call a licensed technician as soon as possible. They will properly diagnose your unit and recommend the best course of action. 

Faulty electrical components 

If your air conditioner won't turn on, faulty electrical components may be the culprit. These include wiring, capacitors, and relays. Some people may be tempted to handle these electrical parts themselves; however, it is never recommended. Working with electricity can be dangerous, and it's best to leave it to the professionals. 

Clogged condenser coils 

Condenser coils help remove heat from the air, making it possible for your air conditioner to function correctly. However, over time, they can collect dust, dirt, and other debris, causing them to become clogged. When this happens, your unit's efficiency can decrease, and your energy bills can increase. To prevent this, you should clean your condenser coils at least once a year. 

Blocked drains 

Blocked drains can cause water to back up in your unit, leading to overflow and damage to your air conditioner. To avoid this, you should check your drains regularly and remove any accumulated debris. You can also pour a cup of white vinegar down the drain to prevent the growth of mold and mildew. 

For more information on air conditioning repair, contact a professional near you.
