keeping your furnace running as efficiently as possible

What Furnace Issues Warrant A Call To A Heating Repair Service

In the winter months, we rely on our heating systems to keep us comfortable and safe. If something is wrong with a furnace, it may not work properly at all, causing your home to be very uncomfortable. The good news is many issues can be resolved by contacting a heating repair service. It's almost always better to get the experts involved sooner rather than ignoring potential issues. Here are some furnace issues that warrant a call to a heating repair service:  Read More 

Why You Should Schedule Heating Repairs Before Cold Weather Arrives

With temperatures high because it is summer, your home's heating system is probably the furthest thing from your mind. However, despite what you may believe, summer is the perfect time of year to have your heating system inspected and repaired, if necessary. In doing so, you can help to prevent a lot of issues in the future. Keep reading to learn a few reasons as to why you should schedule your heating repairs this summer. Read More 

A Ductless Heat Pump Might Be A Better Heating System For Your Newly Renovated Home

If you're remodeling your house, you may need to upgrade the furnace too. You could choose a traditional forced-air furnace, or you might want to switch to a ductless heat pump. Both of these heating systems can keep you snug and warm in the winter, but in some cases, a ductless system might be the best choice. Here's a look at how the two heating systems differ. A Ductless Heat Pump Has Better Temperature Control Read More 

Emergency Heating Repair Is Needed When Your Furnace Overheats And Shuts Down

When your furnace breaks down, it's often an emergency situation. One reason you may need emergency heating repair is when your furnace overheats. Here are reasons for furnace overheating and repairs that might be needed.  Signs Your Furnace Is Overheating Overheating can damage your furnace, so your furnace will probably shut itself down as a form of protection. Then you'll have no heat at all. If the temperature keeps dropping in your house, and your furnace won't kick back on, overheating could be to blame. Read More 

3 Steps to Prepare Your Furnace for Common Winter Problems

When the weather starts to cool, it's a good idea to make sure your furnace and house are ready for regular use. Some problems only show when you're constantly using your furnace, like short cycling, fuel disruptions, or unequal heating, but with a few proactive steps, you can head off many common problems and be ready for the cold. 1. Check Your Air Filter and Ducts One of the quickest and easiest parts of your furnace system to inspect is your air filter. Read More