keeping your furnace running as efficiently as possible

Have You Been Diagnosed With MS? How To Ensure You Keep Cool All Summer Long

If you have multiple sclerosis, you're more susceptible to the heat. MS causes the deterioration of the myelin sheath, which is the protective coating around the nerves. As a result, your symptoms will get much worse, and you'll experience increased flare-ups during the summer months. Because of this, it's crucial that you take precautionary measures to keep yourself cool when the temperatures are rising. Here are four steps you need to take to protect yourself from the heat this summer. Read More 

How To Get More Out Of A Refrigeration Project

Paying for a refrigeration system to run at any location, commercial or residential, can be costly. Whether you're dealing with a new install, performing an upgrade or just looking for quick ways to lower your utility bills, here are some solutions worth considering. Simple Service Asking a team of refrigeration contractors to handle basic service on a unit may be one of the easiest ways to save some money. For example, a bad seal on a set of doors might be causing a setup to spend more time cooling air because heat is getting in from the outside. Read More 

5 Tips To Reduce Commercial HVAC Noise Pollution

The average office environment has its fair share of distractions, with commercial HVAC equipment often being one of those distractions. Noise pollution from commercial HVAC systems is a common complaint among office workers and the noises produced by a hard-working unit can distract employees and sink their productivity. Dealing with HVAC noise pollution through the methods listed below can help boost worker productivity, improve overall energy efficiency and even improve long-term employee health. Read More 

Got Your First HVAC System? 2 Things You Should Know To Do

If you just had your first HVAC system installed for your home, knowing how to take proper care of it will extend the life of the system. Because you have never owned one, you may not know what you should do. To help you, below are two things you should know. Provide Proper Maintenance One of the most important things you can do is to have your HVAC maintained. This should be done by a professional HVAC technician. Read More 

3 Things You Probably Don’t Know About Your Clogged Toilet

You shimmy the handle, grab the plunger, and silently whisper your hopes that the thing does not overflow—sounds like you have a clogged toilet, and a clogged toilet can be one of the most frustrating things you can contend with as a homeowner. Sometimes the toilet will clog seemingly without cause, and then there will be times that you know exactly what has caused the problem. Either way, the problem you have before you may not be as cut and dry as it appears. Read More